Gate Entry

Gate Entry

Gate Entry $25

* Kids 10 and under are free *

note: tickets will be $25 at the door cash only.

OCT 20th Camping is FREE with Gate Entry

 You may come at 2.PM and set up your campsite on Oct 20th.

All we need is to know if you’re bringing a motor home or tent camping. Select camping option at check out.

See you October 21st at Barona 1/8th Drags

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How Timed Bracket Racing Works.

In timed bracket racing, all participants go through a qualifying process. Regardless of their individual skill levels, everyone qualifies into a specific time class, which has a half-second range. Once the qualifying rounds are complete, participants are placed into their respective time classes based on their qualifying times.

During the main race, the objective is to be as close to your designated time bracket as possible. If a racer goes faster than their qualified time class, they “break out” of that class and lose the race. This rule ensures that each racer competes within their designated time range, creating fair and competitive races.

For example, let’s say there are 20 bikes participating in the event. The races begin with 10 matchups. The racer who achieved the fastest time without breaking out of their qualified time class wins that particular race and advances to the next round.

This process continues through subsequent rounds, eliminating racers with each race until only one racer remains. The ultimate winner is the participant who consistently stays within their time bracket, executes a fast run without breaking out, and progresses through each race to claim victory.

Timed bracket racing offers an exciting and level playing field, ensuring that participants compete against others with similar capabilities and creating thrilling battles as racers strive to hit their mark and avoid breaking out of their time class.